AD Design Show: One Month To Go | Covet House Blog
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AD Design Show: One Month To Go

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We are in that time of the year when all we can think about is New York City and AD Design Show. It will be 4 days, 400 brands and countless ways to celebrate design – Covet House will be at Booth 601 boosting the creativity of the interior design community by giving a whole new meaning to the definition of curated design. See you there?

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AD Design Show: One Month To Go

Ⓒ My Design Agenda

AD Design Show: One Month To Go

Ⓒ Amy Lau Design

Between the 21st and the 24th of March, all roads lead to the iconic Piers 92 & 94 on 55th Street at Twelfth Avenue in NYC. The world’s leading brands, along with today’s emerging talents, come together in a carefully curated presentation of design, offering inspired vignettes by respected brands, design seminars, culinary demonstrations and special appearances.

AD Design Show: One Month To Go

AD Design Show: One Month To Go

From furniture, accessories, lighting and art to kitchen, bath and building projects, this design event offers thousands of products to source and shop – both from independent makers and established manufacturers. Now in its 18th edition, AD Show draws approximately 40,000 design aficionados to interact with incredible design displays and be part of a multi-cultural experience.

AD Design Show: One Month To Go

Ⓒ Architectural Digest

AD Design Show: One Month To Go

Ⓒ Incollect

New York is such a marvelous city and, once you’re there, nothing else matters – only you and the experience itself. If you have the time, visit Covet NYC at 172 Madison Avenue – the most coveted address for design lovers and professionals in the Big Apple. Buy the ticket, take the ride!

AD Design Show: One Month To Go

Ⓒ Architectural Digest

Featured Image: Ⓒ Architectural Digest


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AD Design Show: One Month To Go


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